With the Database Migration Service (DMS), AWS is changing the game. The DMS lets you migrate to the cloud with virtually no downtime and with minimal cost.
Customers looking to migrate databases traditionally find themselves faced with two options: 1) They could either keep traffic running to the source while migrating data (a potentially risky move that can have disastrous consequences if it’s not done right), or 2) they can shut off traffic to the source for anywhere between a few hours and a few days.
Good News for AWS Customers – Current and Future
Migration to the AWS cloud happens while the database is live with AWS’ DMS. The DMS lets you continually replicate data from the source to the target and can monitor databases of any size. It only takes 10-15 minutes and costs as little as $3 per terabyte. Customers have already migrated over 1,000 on-premises databases to the AWS cloud using the DMS since AWS made the service available in preview in October 2015.
The DMS is currently available in 8 regions: US West (Northern California), US West (Oregon), US East (Northern Virginia), Europe (Ireland), Europe (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and Asia Pacific (Sydney). AWS plans to add support for more regions throughout 2016.
Migrating Databases to the AWS Cloud with the Database Migration Service
The DMS sets up and manages replication instances on AWS, unloading data from the source database into the destination database in the AWS cloud. It can be used for a one-time migration before being replicated on an on-going basis, supporting a migration entailing minimal downtime.
The DMS handles the complex, finicky details associated with migration – including data type migration, conversion from one platform to another, and monitoring and replicating the health of instances. If there’s a problem, the DMS automatically corrects it or finds a replacement.
The DMS supports a range of migration services, though one of the endpoints needs to be in AWS. Others can be:
- On-premises
- Running on an EC2 instance
- Running on an RDS database instance
The source and the destination can reside in two separate Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) if you’re migrating from one database to another, or they can be within the same VPC.
Automated Conversion with the AWS Schema Conversion Tool
Migrating from a proprietary to an open database can be tricky. Often the hardest part of the process is the first thing you have to do – figuring out how to transform the data from one database to another.
The AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT) automatically converts your schemas and stored procedures to use on a new platform, allowing you to migrate between databases reliably and easily:
- Transform data like tables, partitions, and sequences from one database to another.
- Copy the data stored in the database, including views, stored procedures, triggers, and functions, to find the equivalent function in the other database type you’re moving into.
- If AWS can’t find a reliable equivalent, it will notify you and provide links to manual guidance.
The combined power of these tools – the DMS and the SCT – radically changes the speed with which you can move databases to the AWS cloud, letting you take advantage of the efficiency, scalability, and security the AWS cloud provides.
Check out “AWS Database Migration Service” on AWS’ Official Blog to learn more.