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iTmethods is headed to swampUP 2023!

iTmethods is a Sponsor of swampUP 2023 swampUP 2023 is JFrog’s premier DevOps & DevSecOps user conference, where global peers convene to discuss and learn about DevOps best practices. With industry-renowned speakers, hands-on technical sessions, insightful use cases from top brands and networking with like-minded individuals, swampUP 2023 is the perfect stage to explore “what’s next” […]

Harnessing the Power of Infrastructure as Code with iTmethods

In the world of DevOps, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is transforming the way businesses manage and provision their IT resources. At iTmethods, we offer tailored IaC services and ongoing support to help teams rapidly implement and maintain their IaC technologies, integrating them effectively with their DevOps and Cloud strategies. Our Approach to IaC Services Our phased approach to IaC is designed to meet […]

Unlocking Superior Software Delivery with iTmethods’ CI/CD Pipeline Services

Our Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline services, designed to unlock superior software delivery for your team. In our tech-saturated world, maintaining an efficient CI/CD pipeline is crucial—it’s all about staying a step ahead. And that’s where we come in.  Our mantra? Flexibility and customization. We mold our services around your unique needs, no matter where […]

Single-Tenant SaaS and Managed Customer VPCs: The Future of Enterprise DevOps Tools

In a rapidly advancing technological landscape, choosing the right deployment model for software applications is critical. iTMethods, as the global leader in enterprise DevOps tools and tools management, proudly offers Single-Tenant Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Managed Customer Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) deployment models. Here’s why these models are the superior choice for your enterprise DevOps tools. Understanding Single-Tenant SaaS […]

Empowering Enterprises with iTmethods Atlassian Managed Services: A Comprehensive Approach to Efficiency and Productivity

In the business landscape, one thing is crystal clear: Success hinges on continuous evolution. To stay ahead of the competition, enterprises must be smarter, faster, and leaner. In such a fast-paced environment, having the right tools and support to enhance your business processes is crucial.   iTmethods’ Atlassian Managed Services goes beyond being a mere support […]

6 Proven Strategies for Reducing Enterprise DevOps Costs

Implementing a DevOps approach to software development can be complex and time-consuming, especially for large enterprises that need to streamline their software development processes and deliver products faster.  That’s why leading global enterprises are taking advantage of the many benefits a managed DevOps platform can provide.  According to a study by Forrester, businesses that adopt a […]

5 Reasons to Consider a Hybrid Approach When Moving to Atlassian Cloud

Leading enterprises around the world are moving away from self-managed deployments to cloud-hosted Atlassian applications.  In fact, Gartner predicts that by 2025, 80% of enterprises will migrate entirely away from on-premises data centers in favor of colocation and cloud infrastructure.  But what if you’re migrating all of your users to cloud in phases or retaining some users […]

Run Your Atlassian Data Center as SaaS

Support for Atlassian Server products will end on February 2024. This means that customers who are currently on Server, will need to move to Cloud or Data Center very soon.   And while Atlassian invested heavily in its Cloud-first strategy, continuously evolving and beefing up its Cloud offering, it doesn’t mean moving to Cloud will be the […]